Trip to Scandinavia 2015

For my summer vacation 2015 I visited the Scandinavian countries Norway, Finland and Sweden. It was an amazing thirty four days in which I spent most living in Sweden with local friends. The weather there was cool which I totally enjoyed and that is saying a lot for me because I usually like the warmer weather! I also definitely did not mind that rain was a regular occurrence!
While I was there I got to experience eating moose meat which surprisingly to me was not bad at all, it tasted more like a nice grilled steak! The above picture shows the head of the actual moose and the farm below is where it rests! This out of the norm experience was a great one for me!
While I was there I lived in a very quaint home and got a chance to hear so many ancestral and interesting local stories! I thoroughly enjoy my stay! If you ever have the opportunity to visit scandinavia, living locally is the way to go! Once you get to know the locals, you will find that they are the most enjoyable people you can meet! If you have some questions about doing a local stay feel free to contact me!