Quadrille dancing: St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands

What is it about dancing that stirs the soul? It’s fun, that’s what!!!! One cannot help but tap the feet, sway the hips and clap the hands rhythmically to the beat. A couple years back I visited St Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands for the first time and fortune smiled after meeting and seeing the traditional quadrille (folk)dancers.
Dancing…..music In general has always been a means of joy and uplift to many people in history and quadrille is no different. Basically it’s very similar to square dancing with its’ origins coming from 1700 France using St Croix ‘s traditional Quelbe music which originated from African slaves. The dance made popular in English society was brought to St. Croix as plantation entertainment, the dance dates back to the days of slavery. Bringing tradition up to date The “We Deh Yah” heritage dancers are outfitted in traditional colorful headdresses and swing skirts made from madras fabric. Worn with a traditional ruffled white top, the ladies shine while the men look handsome in colored madras shirts with black pants. Made up of a all volunteers from all walks of Cruzan life they educate and entertain visitors and locals on the history of the dance all the while having a heap of fun. Let’s join the dance !!