Heelless shoes… when ugly shoes attack!
Hmmm, I am sitting here thinking about the subject of heelless shoes and wondering which man came up with this idea and why. Was there an argument between him and his wife the day he came up with this idea or did he just say F&%$ it, the bitches will wear anything, they will look like complete idiots and I’ll make a gazillion dollars? I don’t want you to think I am a man basher because I am not, but let’s get real or is that heel? I’m not sure who came up with this heelless idea first, man or woman? In either case it can’t be that comfortable.

Heelless shoes, scary idea! Isn’t it bad enough we squeeze our feet into regular high heels and suffer the associated pains, broken ankles, painful bunions, and plantar fasciitis! Now someone comes up with a shoe that will possibly break our neck falling face over heel. Oh wait, there is no heel…what will these guys come up with next? The trend setters such as Victoria Beckham and Lady Gaga seem to like these heels and are setting a trend that I am not sure who is going to follow. Maybe they are paid spokespersons and maybe after they step out of the car or building, get photographed they run back inside and take the shoes off and put on some nice comfortable sneakers.
How do you feel about walking on the ball of your feet for hours at a time all in the name of fashion? I wonder if all podiatrist are running to their accountants and banks with news of all the money they are about to make on this new trend. Why not just saw off the back of your foot and shorten it so you won’t have a heel for real. Who needs that old heel anyway it never did me any good, I never actually used it for anything except standing and for balance. Yea, I can do without it go ahead doc cut it off. Ancient Chinese tradition of foot binding is a similar idea forcing women’s feet into a smaller shoe, breaking and curling the foot to three inches, was wisely abandoned for obvious reasons.
The entire idea of a heelless shoe is utterly ridiculous! It seems that women are slaves to the latest fashion trends perpetrated by celebrities who are paid spokespersons marketing a product. The average woman is so busy chasing after the kids, taking care of the home and husband and working real blue collar jobs to number one afford a shoe like that, and number two wear that shoe while doing daily chores without breaking her neck. How come there is no heelless shoe for guys? Yeah that’s what I thought, they have sense. I for one am not down with the trend of the heelless shoe and I love my pretty little feet. I don’t want to put them in Jail and torture them…my feet deserve to retire after military service. My feet have seen military steel-toe boots, flip flops, pumps, sneakers and they have sweated and beard my weight with grace under pressure, the least I can do is save them from this monstrosity they call the heelless shoe. Run, run for your lives…preferably barefoot or at the least flats!!!
One Comment
Ugh…they’re so pretentious. Some look so cute from the front, but the minute they turn around….blech. It just ruins it for me. The heel part is what makes the shoe in most cases imo.