
FLESHiPad, is it real or is it a myth?

So as if the overwhelming iPad trend is not enough in itself, now there is a sexual twist.  Yes you read that right there is an iPad sleeve that is built for sex.  Now I not sure that this is what Apple had in mind when they originally dreamt up the iPad but it just goes to show that with a little imagination, some rubber and some MacGyver ideas you can do anything.  I did not believe it myself until I researched it.  I’m sorry if some of the readers don’t agree but in my mind that is just gross.  The FLESHiPad is an integrated iPad case with a simulated female sexual organ design that would allow the male user to stimulate himself while looking at the screen.   Created by TV Sliced bread Miller the FLESHiPad currently in conceptual design form is sure to become a hit in the porn world.

Whatever happened to going out, meeting and talking to humans, talking your time getting to know someone and having a meaningful sexual relationship?  Who needs a relationship when you have a FLESHipad. Of course it had to be a man that came up with this because it’s not only a money maker but adds to the sexual fantasy/fetish list.  As I ponder the concept of sex with my tablet PC a familiar saying from my grandma comes to mind, “the world is going to hell in a hand basket”.  Grandma died in the mid 70’s at the age of 84 and even so I know she had no idea that the future would bring us to this era in techno gadgets.  I am sure there are many other sexual techno gadgets out there that rival this one but I’m not sure I want to know about them.

Just think what this could do for mankind!  Sex offenders would not have to stalk for prey anymore. They could use the FLESHiPad to satisfy their urges.  Celibate priests would have a way to relieve some sexual pressure and not have to prey on young boys and the prison system would have a rehabilitative way to use it for men in prison. Inmates would be less violent and may never want to leave prison and other criminals will be breaking the doors down to get in, crime in the world solved!!!

Men who are sent off to work in isolated places with no contact with the female species for months could just turn on their laptops and “get to it”.  I’m sorry but I’m still laughing while wondering what happened to abstinence, self control and a girlfriend.  Just think what this could do for the space program and the mission to Mars.  Imagine what Captain Kirk would have done with this invention, he would not have had to sleep with the green woman!  Think of this as a gift to society, one for mankind; a benchmark for future study of how lack of sexual activity affects the average male in deep space.   Will he or won’t he, can he hold out until his return to earth?  Stay tuned until our next exciting episode.  I will let you make up your mind for yourself.

One Comment

  • Perry

    Ok, first of all I think this is going to be a train wreck. How are you going to explain to the nice young female Apple representative at the counter, why you are trying to warranty your iPad???? Somehow the internal components have been shaken to pieces, like they have been in a paint shaker and the thing is loaded full of a lubricant that tastes like pina colada? I personally would need an iPad made to military specs just to get through a single session. The other problem I see is that the iPad is farther away from optimal viewing distance and the thing would be harder to watch as it bounced up and down and up and down. 10 thumbs way up for the Flesh Light but I don’t think I want to strap a TV to my dick. Keep up the good work:)